Why Breastfeed?
in the simplest of terms...
- There is no better form of nutrition for your baby than breastmilk.
- Breastmilk is free!
- You never run short of food for the baby when you are out.
- No heating baby formula in the middle of the night.
- Breastmilk is always the right temperature.
- Breastmilk is instantly available for baby.
- Baby's energy is put into growing not wasted crying waiting for bottles to be readied.
- Mom doesn't even have to leave the bed to feed the baby.
- Breastmilk provides antibodies against diseases
- Less ear infections which can lead to serious hearing loss.
- Breastfeeding lessens the likelyhood of food allergies.
- Breastfed babies are healthier overall.
- Healthier children mean less time spent in the doctor's office.
- Less time at the doctor's saves money on healthcare.
- Breastmilk is easily digested.
- Breastfed babies have higher IQ's. (baby formula causes lower IQ due to insufficient nutrition)
- Breastfeeding encourages bonding.
- Breastfeeding satisfies the baby's intense needs to suck.
- Breastfeeding promotes physical contact with mother, offering additional stimulation to baby.
- While breastfeeding baby hears familiar sounds of mom's heartbeat & breathing, encouraging his own.
- Baby's ability to see happens to be the exact distance from mother's face to baby's eyes while breastfeeding!
- Baby breastfeeds frequently which promotes frequent physical contact between mother and baby.
- Breasts provide a comfort station for a toddler who needs to connect often.
- Encourages child-led mothering - instinctive parenting - attachment parenting.
- Toddlers who breastfeed tend to have the best social adjustment.
- Breastfeeding keeps mothering hormones flowing which increases bonding.
- Breastfeeding is an incredibly rewarding feeling for the mother.
- Breastfeeding hormones help relax the mother.
- Breastfeeding gives mother's body a chance to rest from monthly cycle.
- Breastfeeding lowers the rates of breast and ovarian cancer in the mother.
- Breastfeeding lessens the chance of osteoporosis in the mother.
- Breastfeeding provides for natural child spacing.
- No matter what the toddler's age, breastmilk provides protein, fat, calcium, and vitamins.

Site Map
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| Reasons to Breastfeed | Breastfeeding Benefits | Breastfeding Saves Money |
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